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The Signal
when i’m digging my handsinto the soilmy arms are antennamy fingers a coil
transmitting a signalolder than wordsit’s speaking in tonguesof ten...
I am 24 years old and grew up in southern Germany. When I was 19, I spent a year in South India and worked on a farm. The fascination with Indian religious traditions and their relationship with nature and the cosmos led me to do a Bachelor's degree in South Asian Studies and Science of Religion. For my thesis I came back to India to study peasant movements for regenerative agriculture. I found that many actors drew their inspiration from their intimate relationship with soil and the feeling of being embedded in the larger network of life. After that, I began a training as an organic farmer and permaculture designer. Now I feel a great deal of satisfaction when I work with soil every day and nurture the life in the soil. This is also what my poem talks about.