Magazine for Conflict Transformation Across Cultures
The Many Peaces Magazine is a project run by students and alumni of the Master of Arts Program in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. We want to serve as a platform for showcasing the activities of current and former participants, friends and cooperation partners of the program and the UNESCO Chair for Peace Studies, as well as of people working with and for peace(s) around the world.
The philosophy of the Many Peaces, which is taught in Innsbruck, proposes the radical acknowledgement of a plurality of peace(s). It outlines five main ‘Peace Families’: energetic, moral, modern, postmodern and transrational. Each type of these peaces emphasizes different characteristics and values. The idea that there are as many interpretations of peaces as there are people forms the basis of our work.
The Many Peaces Magazine is a platform to share how the Many Peaces are put into practice by people around the world. We collect stories, thoughts, projects, and ideas to form articles that are published on our platforms. Our aim is to create a versatile and colorful medium to exchange, learn, and raise awareness, as well as to elicit joy, hope and a sense of connection between all the people who are working towards bringing the Many Peaces to life.
Currently, we follow a publication rhythm of yearly volumes, which means we receive contributions on one topic on a rolling basis for a one year period. Each volume has its own theme and rhythm. You are warmly invited to explore the current as well as the previous volumes of our magazine!
The Many Peaces Magazine was launched by Adham Hamed, Mayme Lefurgey, Paul Lauer and Isabelle Guibert in 2014. The format of the magazine as well as the international team behind it has undergone many transformations since then and is continually developing and changing. Right now, the magazine is coordinated by a group of six people from across Europe and the United States and features stories from the field of peace work in theory and practice. Throughout the past years, we realized the value of connecting people from different, especially non-academic, backgrounds to the perspectives and stories of peace researchers and practitioners. By providing this bridge between theory and practice, we intend to provide a platform for exchange and inspiration on how the Many Peaces can be put into action and how action can be informed by peace research.
We chose to place the values Courage, Empathy and Responsibility at the core of our interactions as a team, but also as the Many Peaces Magazine as an entity. We understand:
Courage as a quality of acknowledging different realities that leads us into learning, creativity and growth.
Empathy as a quality of opening up to, understanding, and integrating different voices and perspectives.
Responsibility as awareness and care for people and the environment, acknowledgement and critical reflection of power dynamics, and staying in a process of constant self-reflection.
Mission & Vision
Our values are exemplified in our publishing choices and our endeavored openness towards the Many Peaces. Our mission is to hold a welcoming space for the diverse voices of all that are dreaming of and working for peace(s).
We want to give visibility to peace work that is happening in small steps every day, by many people in many places and often dire conditions as well as share the ideas of the Many Peaces philosophy with a broader audience.
We welcome contributions on a rolling basis. If you are interested in contributing, please reach out to or contact us on Facebook or LinkedIn.