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Within the frame of the online peace festival on Friedensfestival.ch, between 7 and 14 April 2021, proficients in the German language could take part in many d...
Reflections on an online symposium by organizer, attendees, and peace students
On 17 March 2021, Shawn Bryant, lecturer and core faculty member of the Maste...
Gewalt gegen Frauen - wo beginnt sie, wo hört sie auf? Welche Erfahrungen habe ich damit in meinem Leben oder in meinem Umfeld gemacht? Und wie kann ich handeln...
Our authors Wolfgang Dietrich, Norbert Koppensteiner, Heela Najibullah, Alejandra Barrera and Jannik Gresbrand as well as our editor Adham Hamed will present th...
Das Intensivtraining für Menschen, die spüren, dass durch Miteinander mehr entsteht.
Ko-kreative Meetings gestalten und genießen
Bürgerbeteiligung und z...
The five day Workshop engages deeply in the basics of Theatre for Living, which has grown from Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. Participants will learn ...