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Home – On Finding Individual and Collective Healing Spaces Through Dance, Theatre and Community
Home is both a longing and the recognition that I am myself in ...
Choosing (E)motion: The Potential of Movement and Dance for (Re)Connection and Healing. With an Emphasis on Integrative Dance Therapy and 5Rhythms® Dance – A Re...
Life Stories – From the Wounded Writer to the Healing Teacher: A Transrational Way of Teaching Peace as Unfolding of Life Story
From perspectives inherent in t...
Unfolding Stories – Transforming Understandings of Development Through Spiritual Empathy
Once upon a time, there was a gardener who left her home garden toward...
I blocked most of it out. Of my twenty month journey with cancer, I remember few details. There was a lot happening during that time; but what I remember vividl...
I was 23 years old and practicing physiotherapy for over 60 hours a week when I felt my energy and compassion levels running dry. I felt it was time for me to a...
In College, I had come across a proverb by an unknown monk from 1100 A.D. that said, “When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was diffi...
Each semester, when Gernot appears at the beginning of the third modular period, it is a sign that soon the peace students would leave their laptops, their book...