The Empathic Mindfulness as a Means in Conflict Transformation
In my thesis, I have written about how the practice of mindfulness can be integrated into peacework. I have found that mindfulness is a Buddhist way for internal change of mind frames, stress, concepts, judgments, improving concentration and finally, can lead to total liberation. Besides, mindfulness is also present in Gestalt therapy, Hakomi and Rogerian Therapy as a key to elicit a fruitful, loving and creative counseling relationship in which new perspectives and realities can emerge. Therefore, I evaluated both research in this field as well as my personal experience in order to define what I mean within a conflict transformation scenario. With this definition I came to the conclusion that mindfulness can transform conflicts on three levels: first, internally, which is the most important factor for the wellbeing of the peaceworker, the main reader of my thesis. Then, in relationships, for instance in counseling, meetings, debates, interviews, etc. Finally, mindfulness can be very helpful in respect to a topic; looking mindfully at problems and questions is the very key to let solutions emerge out of intuition and new perspectives.
In order to give a glimpse of my personal experience I want to share with you one of my poems in my mother tongue:
Gereist, Gereist, nach Außen gegreist, verwaist,
fair-weißt? Nach Innen gereist.
Wintersonne, Kristall an meinem Fenster, tanze ich die Verwirrung aus meinen Gliedern, Tränen woher wohin rollen über meine Wangen. Die meiste Zeit jedoch der Richter: Du solltest mehr, schneller intelligenter MACHEN!
“Was denn? Ich weiß nicht WAS??!!! Es ist alles so schön. Mir fehlen die Worte” schreit das Kind.
So tanzte ich, drehte mich und ließ mich fallen…
…auf die Matten und in meine Sofakissen, in die Arme meiner Geliebten, in meine Anspruchslosigkeit, in die Gleichförmigkeit der Tage in der ich mir selbst mein Leben schuf und ebensolch Neues auf weißen Blättern nach und nach entstand.