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For more than a year now, the world has been shaken up by a pandemic. It affects everyone’s life differently, but what connects us is that we all experience lo...
While the coronavirus has caused immaterial and material loss all over the globe, its regulations have had consequences on the individual lives for people. Thi...
Feeling frustrated, author João Saravia took the halting of activities in his procurement work during the COVID-19 pandemic to cultivate new initiatives relate...
The Afghanistan war and I are almost the same age. The war started just a year after I was born. The forty-years long war has taught me many things. It has als...
Sexuality as loving action and transpersonal awareness
In my thesis I define transrational sexuality and explore its potential for peace and conflict transf...
Connecting with the self
My thesis discusses connecting with the self through archetypes and consciousness, trauma and coping mechanisms as well as chi in a...
On the Facilitation of Courage to Imagine Peaceful Change
In peace facilitation, education, and research, the focus is increasingly on the human mind as a s...
A story of breaking taboos and overcoming cliches
If there is no perception of female violence in human minds, how can it be recognised in reality? Those we...
Reflections on an online symposium by organizer, attendees, and peace students
On 17 March 2021, Shawn Bryant, lecturer and core faculty member of the Maste...
Movement as a resource for reconnection during pandemic times.
Paula Ditzel Facci, a lecturer at the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University o...