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Bringing together faculty and doctorate students, the Research Center InnPeace was founded in June 2018 with the aim to provide the first transdisciplinary plat...
What does peace mean to you? If you are a refugee, you will more likely be asked about experiences of war than about experiences of peace. However, everyone car...
When we hear the term peace education most of us spontaneously think of children and schools. How shall the next generation be best prepared for the non-violent...
A few years ago, the images re-appeared. They crashed in my memory like a meteorite, to the extent that my world perception smashed to pieces. Images of an epis...
Amongst online studies around the term topic Courage, prenatal Yoga teaching and workshops on Nonviolent Communication, I unexpectedly became pregnant. The news...
A Conversation with Nobel Peace Laureate Abdessattar Ben Moussa about the unique Tunisian path of political transition. In the midst of a region of turmoil, Tun...