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On 7 August 2014 I left Innsbruck for Algiers, the capital of Algeria, a country that means a lot to me due to personal, historical and family reasons. Nassima ...
Our very own Etienne Salborn from Berlin, generation of Winter and Summer Terms 2012-2013, is the founder of the Social Innovation Academy (SINA) in Mpigi Town,...
On July 17 and 18, 2014 a small group of Innsbruck Peace Studies alumni met at the Grillhof for the first of many planning meetings of what has been coined— an ...
With his camera the Tyrolean filmmaker Sananda Kirschner followed a generation of peace students for an entire semester. He interviewed current students, facult...
Hannah Kuske, Alumni Roleplay Coordinator
We’ve done it again. Counting the EURAD exercise of summer 2013, this past summer term was the sixth consecutive oc...
I am very happy to announce the launch of an academic program on peace and conflict transformation from the transrational perspective in Brazil. The program was...
In this interview with Inasa Bibić, Wolfgang Dietrich, UNESCO Chairholder and academic coordinator of “Acting for Peace“, shares some of his personal stories, t...