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The Signal
when i’m digging my handsinto the soilmy arms are antennamy fingers a coil
transmitting a signalolder than wordsit’s speaking in tonguesof ten...
This article is the result of a 1-hour virtual talk between our author Julia and Daniel Christian Wahl. After starting with a short general assessment of our most pressing societal issues in the following lines, Daniel speaks about how examining these from a relational perspective can provide new insights and help us move towards cultivating a more regenerative human presence on earth.
“We dance with ourselves to know who we are. We dance with another to feel into who we are with. We dance with a group to discover our place.” Gabrielle Roth, ...
"¿De dónde eres?" ("Where are you from?") - this was always one of the first questions when I met new people during my time in Bolivia. Belonging to a nati...
Thích Nhất Hạnh, whom his followers simply call Thay (teacher), died in his native Vietnam in late January 2022 at the age of 95. Our compassion goes out to all the people who mourn him and love him. His presence lives on in the lives he touched with his teachings. Our author Marek Zink interviewed Matthias Grümayer for you, who studied comparative religion. He is a Thay disciple, a member of the Order of Interbeing, thus practicing in the Plum Village Tradition.
Being far from home doing in-context work while trying to find ways to gather and coexist after months of lockdowns and social distancing regulations because o...
In a fast and ever-changing environment where we get up, work, fulfill our daily duties and are constantly busy with something, we sometimes lose connection. The connection to ourselves but also to others. In a world that is getting more virtual and volatile, slowing down to make space and time to focus, re-connect, and invest in relationships is challenging. Amidst this situation, Hadeer decided to start the Slow Communication Experiment.
(De-)Militarizing Our Future
The current war in Ukraine and, more specifically, against Ukrainian civilians and civil infrastructures casts dark shadows ove...
Dear readers,
Answering the invitation To All That Relate/s, we have tried to articulate what seems too hard to describe and yet is so crucial to thrive: ou...