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The Signal
when i’m digging my handsinto the soilmy arms are antennamy fingers a coil
transmitting a signalolder than wordsit’s speaking in tonguesof ten...
(De-)Militarizing Our Future
The current war in Ukraine and, more specifically, against Ukrainian civilians and civil infrastructures casts dark shadows ove...
Dear readers,
Answering the invitation To All That Relate/s, we have tried to articulate what seems too hard to describe and yet is so crucial to thrive: ou...
To All That Relate/s: An Invitation
As we move in and out of shared physical spaces we experience polarization and conflict, growth and transformation, and ...
For more than a year now, the world has been shaken up by a pandemic. It affects everyone’s life differently, but what connects us is that we all experience lo...
Reflections on Open Floor Conscious Dance Practice
and Peace Education
My name is Hanne Tjersland; and when I meet people to talk about my passions, there are...
Facilitation from an Expressive Arts Perspective
The Mystery of Picasso, a remarkable 1956 documentary made by the French director Henri-Georges Clouzot, trace...
I was eleven years old when I was diagnosed with Dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is known as a learning disability involving math with a connection to working and shor...
Dear Reader,
To begin with, let us tell you that this is a call for action, and we mean it. We need you, and we are going to do our best to convince you abou...
What does peace mean to you? If you are a refugee, you will more likely be asked about experiences of war than about experiences of peace. However, everyone car...