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We are proud and happy that you can hold a copy of this magazine in your hand. In this volume, you will read about trauma and its influence both on individual ...
Written words and visual forms of expression – both contributions to journalism – are attempts to convey images of reality. However, having understood that pers...
In this volume of the Many Peaces Magazine, we decided to promote reflection and dialogue by emphasizing the broad topic of “peace and development”. Our authors...
As we are presenting to you the 8th Volume of MPM, our team and vision are in a dynamic process of transition. What once started as an attempt to bring together...
In this volume our authors present their various interpretations of what peace education is, as they recount personal experiences and explain various projects a...
In the articles to come, our authors present to you intricate, complex and beautiful connections between and expressions of the concepts of peace and healing. A...
We learn from the authors in this volume the need for not simply an ‘add gender’ approach, where gender is considered as one sub-theme but rather as a cross-cut...
Our 4th volume is all about revolutionary moments. In times of events such as the ongoing refugee crisis globally, Brexit, and Donald Trump’s electoral campaign...
The writing of the third volume of the Many Peaces Magazine was underway when a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Ankara, Beirut, Paris, the Sinai region ...
In this volume, we are happy to present a variety of topics, ranging from Rosalie Kubny’s work as a peace facilitator working with dance and elicitive motion, t...