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Being far from home doing in-context work while trying to find ways to gather and coexist after months of lockdowns and social distancing regulations because o...
To All That Relate/s: An Invitation
As we move in and out of shared physical spaces we experience polarization and conflict, growth and transformation, and ...
For more than a year now, the world has been shaken up by a pandemic. It affects everyone’s life differently, but what connects us is that we all experience lo...
Feeling frustrated, author João Saravia took the halting of activities in his procurement work during the COVID-19 pandemic to cultivate new initiatives relate...
On co-creating relationships from the mental to the social realm
Through an encompassing picture of the mind's activities and a lucid overview of ingroup-ou...
Reflections on an online symposium by organizer, attendees, and peace students
On 17 March 2021, Shawn Bryant, lecturer and core faculty member of the Maste...
Reflections on humanity’s long-term future
Noah Taylor found himself exploring the connection between existential risk and peace and conflict studies amidst...
Practicing Transrational and Elicitive Approaches to International Cooperation: The example of the PESTUGE Project
In the Summer of 2015 we received the good n...
Putri Kitnas Inesia and Matthias Scharpenberg found out about the topic of this volume, they immediately thought about their respective jobs as teachers in oppo...
When we hear the term peace education most of us spontaneously think of children and schools. How shall the next generation be best prepared for the non-violent...